Oct 17, 2024, The Sydney Morning Herald.
Advocate’s electrifying mission: Decarbonise Australia, home by home

Rewiring Australia co-founder Saul Griffith, who helped write US President Joe Biden’s signature Inflation Reduction Act that invests in projects to battle climate change, is on a mission to get Australia to run entirely on renewable energy by helping households make the switch to cut carbon emissions and lower energy bills.

Oct 15, 2024, 7 News.
VIDEO: Australians are poised to save thousands as a new energy pilot program begins

"If you're a house that's got the three major gas appliances you can save about $800 a year just by switching them over to electric."

Oct 15, 2024, ABC Radio National.
RADIO: Dan Cass speaks to ABC Radio National about fast-tracking the transition to rooftop solar

"Optimistically, we'll have written a playbook of electrification for communities."

Oct 15, 2024, ABC News.
RADIO: Hundreds of homes take part in trial to electrify homes

The Electrify 2515 community pilot program will see 500 homes converting their hot water, cooking and heating systems to renewable electricity, with subsidies of up to $1000 available for appliances.

Oct 15, 2024, The Illawarra Flame.
Northern Illawarra chosen for nationwide pilot project to champion mass electrification of homes

"Australia is already the leading rooftop solar nation. Pilots like this will be used to invent the clean consumer energy model for the whole world."

Oct 15, 2024, The Fifth Estate.
Dr Electrify’ sees stage one of his plan to electrify Australia rolled out, 9 million or so to go!

Rewiring Australia co-founder and chief scientist Saul Griffith is finally about to see his ambition to electrify suburbs around his home near Wollongong come to life.

Oct 15, 2024, Energy Magazine.
Illawarra electrification trial unveiled

"The world is moving towards electrification – it’s cheaper for householders and better for the environment. The technology is ready and the way this community has campaigned so hard for this pilot shows Australians are ready too."

Oct 15, 2024, Bulli & Clifton Times.
Government subsidies for home electrification pilot project in 2515 postcode

The project will generate insights into consumer behaviour, attitudes and energy bill savings to better inform how home electrification could be scaled across Australia.

Oct 15, 2024, ABC News.
Illawarra postcode wins $5.4m in electrification subsidies as federal government backs energy pilot project

"Finance of electrification is a cheaper way to run a household than paying cash every week for fossil fuels."

Oct 15, 2024, One Step Off the Grid.
Grass roots suburban electrification pilot wins federal funding

"We can say this is truly a world first, it will show the way to deliver cost-of-living savings to all Australians."

Oct 15, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media Release: Groundbreaking trial is a critical step towards electrifying households

“The pilot aims to create the electric future in a real community today,” said Dr Saul Griffith, Rewiring Australia Co-founder and Chief Scientist.

Sep 17, 2024, The Sydney Morning Herald.
‘Rich families don’t need to save money’: Why wealthy suburbs are less likely to have rooftop solar

Dan Cass, executive director of Rewiring Australia, said rooftop solar was a cost-of-living solution for poorer households. “Rich families don’t need to save money on bills, which is why the mansions of Toorak and Woollahra rarely sport a super-sized solar array sufficient to offset their high-energy lifestyles,” Cass said.

Sep 09, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Rewiring Australia response to exclusion of cooktops from gas substitution roadmap

Today's decision by the Allan Government to exclude cooktops from Victoria’s Gas Substitution Roadmap is a temporary delay in the inevitable electrification of the state’s household appliances.

Aug 26, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Home electric planner a huge help to Victorian households

Gas and electricity companies deliberately make energy confusing for people - but this planner will empower Victorians to make informed decisions to reduce their bills and emissions.

Jul 29, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Rewiring Australia welcomes new assistant minister for climate change and energy

We look forward to working closely with the new Assistant Minister Josh Wilson to deliver cleaner, cheaper energy to Australian households. It's time for Australia to go for gold in the consumer energy transition, and with the right policies, we can secure a place on the podium in the race to Net Zero.

Jul 19, 2024, The Canberra Times.
Home and car power to energise fresh national grid plan

Rewiring Australia's executive director Dan Cass said the electrification of households and cars could deliver hundreds of billions in savings to consumers over the next 20 years if it was fair and transparent.

Jul 17, 2024, The Daily Telegraph.
Increases in residential gas customers are minuscule and getting smaller

“We know electrification is winning the energy wars because over 3.7 million households have already gone solar, and hundreds of thousands are now rushing to electrify”

Jul 02, 2024, Renew Economy.
Creation of local renewable zones is the game changer Australia’s energy transition needs

The Queensland government’s launch of ‘Local Renewable Energy Zones’ (L-REZ) in Caloundra and Townsville may prove to be a significant opportunity for energy market realignment and innovation.

Jun 30, 2024, Sky News Australia.
Australia has the ‘easiest path’ to ‘electrify its economy’

Rewiring Australia Co-founder Saul Griffith says Australia has the “easiest path” to “electrify” its economy. “The reality is Australia has the easiest path to electrify its economy of probably any economy and we have the most benefit to gain from it."

Jun 25, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media release: Electrification is the short circuit Australia needs in energy policy

Electrification is the shortest circuit to a clean energy system for Australia and the fairest way to get there. Rooftop solar is the world's cheapest delivered energy, and nuclear cannot compete.

Jun 19, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Rewiring Australia comments on nuclear energy

“Some countries that are small, cold, and with higher population density and minimal solar and wind resources will need nuclear to replace fossil fuels - but Australia has literally the opposite population and geographical characteristics."

Jun 14, 2024, One Step Off the Grid.
Sun taxes and surprise tariffs: Why alienate consumers right when we need them most?

"Consumers are getting their tariffs changed without notice and we’re pushing ahead with sun taxes before solar soaking is in the market: just two examples where it’s obvious the energy market is set up to make it easy to run for central regulators and large energy companies, not cheaper and easier for consumers."

Jun 19, 2024, The Australian.
Energy Nation: Saul Griffith encourages investment in solar power and moving to households to electrify

“If we really believe in nation building, we would figure out how to finance every single Australian household to completely electrify.”

May 31, 2024, Media Release.
Rewiring Australia backs green loans for households

“Household electrification is the fastest and most cost effective way to reduce emissions and ease the cost-of-living by bringing down power bills for good,” said Rewiring Australia Executive Director Dan Cass.

May 24, 2024, Sky News.
New South Wales government to rollout incentives for household batteries

Rewiring Australia Executive Director Dan Cass welcomed the move by the New South Wales government. “This is a really excellent policy and we hope other states and the federal government back in the direction led by New South Wales,” Mr Cass said.

May 24, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media release: Battery incentives for household solar heroes is the fastest way to reduce prices and accelerate energy transition

“Incentivising households and businesses to take up batteries means more cheap solar power in the grid and reduces our reliance on harmful fossil fuels. Yet again, households are the heroes in the energy transition,” said Rewiring Australia Executive Director Dan Cass.

May 22, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media Release: Eraring must sell electricity at fair prices

Now that Origin Energy is being paid by taxpayers to keep Eraring coal fired power station open it should be forced to sell electricity at fair prices, to serve the interests of its taxpayers not just shareholders, Rewiring Australia said today.

May 14, 2024, What is the Future Made in Australia?.
What is the Future Made in Australia?

"This is about taking some risks and making some investments. Not everything will work but the point is they can start to build up the general capacity in this country for a renaissance of manufacturing focusing on the areas where we have strengths."

May 14, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media Release: The next step in Australia’s Net Zero journey: universal household electrification finance

Tonight’s federal budget includes important commitments to build clean energy manufacturing, reform its energy market and improve the nation’s electrical skill base, critical steps towards universal electrification of the nation’s homes, according to Rewiring Australia.

May 10, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media Release: Government’s Future Gas Strategy undermines its own Net Zero Plan

Expanding the gas industry until 2050 and beyond contradicts the government’s own work on a Net Zero Plan and will result in higher energy bills and a devastating increase in greenhouse gas emissions, said Rewiring Australia following the release of the Future Gas Strategy.

Apr 18, 2024, The Canberra Times.
Government told to 'hold its nerve' on clean tech push

Chief scientist at grassroots organisation Rewiring Australia Saul Griffith said the legislation would put Australia in step with other countries already investing in their own futures and ensure the profits do not flow overseas.

Apr 18, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media Release: Australia's Leading Energy and Investment Players Join Forces to Back PM Albanese's Future Made In Australia

“We need the government to coordinate Australian public and private investment in the processing of critical minerals and development of technologies from home-grown innovators in green metals. This will leverage Australia’s competitive advantage as a clean energy superpower and ensure the profits do not flow overseas."

Mar 31, 2024, 9 News Australia.
New research shows solution to power more solar in suburbs

Australia has one of the largest take ups of rooftop solar in the world, but new research shows a majority of those who oppose it, do so because of the price.

Mar 25, 2024, Renew Economy.
If we’re going to electrify everything, we’ll need finance that works for everyone

"Everyone is going to need a way off the fossil fuel ship. Our proposal for flexible, safe, government-backed finance that’s accessible across incomes will ensure that upfront costs don’t get in the way of slashing bills and emissions for every property in Australia."

Mar 19, 2024, 6PR Perth.
Decarbonisation drive: HECS-style loans could slash household bills

“We know if we really had high adoption across Australian households, that would save them $1.7 trillion between now and 2050. We really shouldn’t think of this as what it’s cost to the government is, it’s what can this investment recoup to Australia in terms of savings over the long haul?”

Mar 19, 2024, The Guardian.
Forget nuclear: would Peter Dutton oppose a plan to cut bills and address the climate crisis?

Would any party really stand in the way if the government introduced a policy to cut bills, give consumers greater control over their household energy and address the climate crisis?

Mar 18, 2024, ABC News.
VIDEO: The proposal for a HECS-style loan system for solar energy

The federal government is being urged to help homeowners reduce power bills and carbon emissions by lending them cash to install solar panels, home batteries and even to buy electric cars.

Mar 18, 2024, ABC Radio Melbourne.
Rewiring Australia proposes HECS style loan system for solar energy

Founder of Rewiring Australia Saul Griffiths is proposing that Australia needs a HECS style loan program for solar energy. He told Raf Epstein that Australian's could both slash climate emissions and energy bills if they go ahead with his plan.

Mar 17, 2024, The Australian Financial Review.
CBA wants to corner the $2trn market for household electrification

It is possible the federal government will step in with its own loan products for electrifying households as suggested by scientist Saul Griffith in AFR Weekend. But with the likelihood of means testing there will still be an enormous lending opportunity for the banks.

Mar 16, 2024, The Australian Financial Review.
Household energy plan offers fix for both sides of politics

Into this space comes Rewiring Australia’s intervention like a breath of fresh air in a tired, stale argument.

Mar 16, 2024, The Australian Financial Review.
Could ‘HECS-for-solar’ slash power bills and save climate goal?

“If the government makes an investment like HECS, it will deliver permanent cost-of-living relief, solve the problem of light vehicle pollution, and propel Australia to the top of the class in climate action,” Dr Griffith said.

Mar 16, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media release: Call for the federal government to fund a universal household electrification loans scheme to reduce bills by up to $5000 per year permanently

Australia has the highest solar radiation of any continent and rooftop solar is the cheapest energy in the world. An investment from the government now will make Australia more energy-resilient and self-sufficient and save Australians from increasing power bills.

Mar 04, 2024, The Conversation.
The National Electricity Market wasn’t made for a renewable energy future. Here’s how to fix it

"Millions of rooftop solar systems are now connected to the grid. The market needs to change to a system that can manage and co-ordinate these small renewable energy generators."

Feb 29, 2024, Renew Economy.
Power to the people? Critics says new rule that affects EVs and batteries misses mark

“This is a policy patch on a leaking ship,” adds Rewiring Australia energy market reform adviser Vikki McLeod. “Households will be the heavy-lifters in a future energy market, and we need to write that potential into the market rules now. We need to start looking at how we can unlock the benefits that customer energy resources (CERs) can provide at scale and at pace."

Feb 20, 2024, The Australian Financial Review.
‘Breakthrough moment’: Littleproud backs rooftop solar

“For the first time, the best thing for the climate is the best thing for hip pockets. Their shift means the entire Australian parliament is now essentially on board. With such overwhelming consensus, we now need an aggressive, non-partisan plan to help households electrify as quickly and fairly as possible.”

Feb 12, 2024, Renew Economy.
Households need a fair go on the grid for solar, batteries and EVs

The final handover report from the former Energy Security Board, released by the federal government, calls for energy distribution companies to integrate household solar into the grid. But it falls short of recommending the governance and competition reset that is required.

Feb 12, 2024, Renew Economy.
Network companies called out for “lack of accountability” on rooftop solar integration, in final report from ESB

“We welcome the handover recommendations, but the ESB did not go far enough,” added Rewiring Australia chief scientist Saul Griffith. “Energy ministers should review governance of the NEM. “Nothing can compete with cheap rooftop solar at 5c/Kwh so it is no surprise the big energy companies are trying to thwart this competition from their own consumers."

Feb 09, 2024, ABC News.
PM: Calls to better integrate rooftop solar into energy grid

"Australia's millions of solar households aren't being allowed to compete against their energy company in the market," says Rewiring Australia's Executive Director Dan Cass. Advocates for rooftop solar says changes are needed to Australia's electricity market, to better integrate solar users, and give them more options to find good deals when selling their energy back into the grid.

Feb 09, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media Release: Rewiring Australia backs overhaul of electricity market to reduce bills

A comprehensive overhaul of the National Electricity Market (NEM) is needed to bring down energy bills and meet Australia’s 2030 emissions and renewable energy targets, according to Rewiring Australia.

Feb 02, 2024, ABC News.
Dan Cass speaks to ABC News about a review into community engagement around renewable energy projects

Feb 04, 2024, 9 News.
Solar Savings

Feb 01, 2024, Financial Review.
BlueScope ‘old’ blast furnace grant slammed by experts

Rewiring Australia founder and entrepreneur Saul Griffith said: “The technology BlueScope will deploy with this grant is marginally better than the steel it has been producing, but it is not green enough to compete in the emerging market for low or zero-emissions metal.

Feb 02, 2024, ABC News.
PM: "Bad faith actors" slow renewables rollout

The transition to renewables is causing a lot of angst and anger in rural Australia as major projects like wind and solar and the transmission lines that connect them to the grid are cutting across thousands of properties. Now the federal government says it accepts the recommendations of a "community engagement review" which has found a better job needs to done of communicating how farmers will be affected. But there's concern that will do little to stop the so-called "bad faith actors" seeking to exploit local communities.

Jan 17, 2024, Renew Economy.
Solar banks and electrification: Governments invest $206m to close the energy gap

“As the climate emergency and cost of living crisis worsen, governments will need to invest big in electrification policies like this, to slash bills and emissions at the same time.”

Jan 15, 2024, Rewiring Australia.
Media release: NSW electrification program will reduce energy bills and emissions

"We are delighted that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Premier Chris Minns have taken up our policy to provide grants to electrify social housing properties. Household electrification is the fastest, most cost effective way to reduce emissions - and it also decreases the cost of living by significantly reducing energy bills."

Dec 15, 2023, .
Media release: Rewiring Australia calls for greater focus on electrification and rooftop solar to reduce cost of living pressure

“AEMO has moved considerably to embrace the potential of electrification but is yet to catch up with the rooftop revolution led by millions of Australian households. AEMO should be thinking outside the box and innovating ways to bring about faster and greater deployment of consumer energy technologies."

Dec 14, 2023, Rewiring Australia.
Media release: Rewiring Australia endorses Victorian induction stove push

"Today’s announcement of new discounts for electric induction cooktops is another big step in the right direction, which is off dirty, expensive fossil gas and towards clean, efficient electrification"

Dec 03, 2023, The Guardian.
Hecs for the home: households warm to the idea of a loan scheme to leap from gas to electricity

"Hecs-style loans for household electrification would be repaid through income tax. This would put more money in the pockets of people who really need it while simultaneously allowing the nation to put its foot on the clean-energy pedal."

Oct 24, 2023, The Canberra Times.
Household electrification is the simplest fix to our cost of living crisis

"Getting households off gas and out of petrol cars is anti-inflationary. It has the added benefit of helping the government deliver its targets for emissions and clean energy."

Nov 23, 2023, Rewiring Australia.
Media release: Go households to expand energy capacity

"This significant expansion of the Capacity Investment Scheme will accelerate the transition to cleaner, cheaper renewable energy and help Australia hit its 2030 emissions target. This is a strong step in the right direction."
