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Electrify Everything for Everyone

Households are doing it tough with rising energy costs. Yet if we electrify everything, and take advantage of Australia's abundant solar energy, households can unlock thousands of savings every year and we can drastically reduce our country's carbon pollution.

Australians want to replace their expensive, polluting gas appliances with efficient, electric alternatives and install solar panels and a battery, but the upfront costs can feel out of reach. We believe all households have the right to access these technologies to ensure their houses are cheaper to run and safer to live in.

We’re calling on the federal government to help Australian households have access to finance - no matter their income - to create their solar electric home and by doing so, saving Australian households between $1000 - $3000 every year on energy bills and up to $5000 if they electrify their car.

Write to your MP and urge for them to put households first.